9 thoughts on “Mark Stover death: Linda Opdycke, Michael Oakes today”

  1. Just listened to the Dateline story. Oakes ex wife testimony which couldn’t be used, is the most damning. This was not self defense and I believe Linda and her father are/were guilty of a murder for hire and got off scott free. Oakes made a horrible mistake to try to be the knight in shining armor for Linda. Stover sounded obsessed with her and is guilty of doing some awful stalking and harassment, but Linda hadn’t seen him since 2008!!

  2. Nice self defense claim… lol, you get rid of the body, and all the evidence…. no jury was ever gonna believe your story!!!! especially the people down in the pacific nw where I live… Where they always belleve the cops and law enforcement….

  3. Horsehead Opdycke hired, I mean seduced a man to murder her former husband. It backfired and now she’s stuck with the her hit man’s kids. She’s evil and she got away with murder.

  4. How didn’t mark stover ex wife Linda get arrested for the murder too? She clearly had him murdered and she just got away with it. Everyone knows that ugly bitch told Michael to do it.

  5. The easy story to believe is that he was hired to kill Stover . He refuses to give up the x-father-in-law and the girlfriend. Willing to do the time and get paid. Hope he didn’t get out early due to COVID! He’s a selfish, lying, murderer!

  6. Good that the killer got a long prison sentence, but Linda should be brought up on conspiracy to kill charges. She’s a manipulative, snide brat, who probably used Michael Oakes to do her dirty work.


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