Larry Da Leopard cause of death: What killed Larry Da Leopard Brieschke?

Larry Da Leopard cause of death: Lance Brieschke, aka Larry Da Leopard died November 28, 2018 of alleged brain swelling. Latty Da Leopard was an organ donor, according to reports online.

Larry Da Leopard cause of death: What killed Lance Brieschke?

However, his official confirmed cause of death is not public.

Larry Da Leopard, real name Lance Brieschke is survived by his baby boy Zoom, his family and many loved ones.

Larry Da Leopard cause of death: What killed Lance Brieschke?

An old friend of mine Larry Da Leopard passed away today. Was such a nice dude, and always willing to give you a free facial tattoo.

Larry Da Leopard was a well loved tattoo artist in Austin Texas. He made international headlines in 2013 when pictures and video of his obsession with leopard spots went viral.

According to DailyMail, Larry was on a quest to cover every inch of his body with more than a thousand spots to become half man, half big-cat. He even made the painful decision to ink his private parts as well.

Larry was looking forward to inking his eyelids as well.

He had begun getting leopard tattoos when he was just 20 years old – a decision borne out of a desire to subvert society’s expectations. Five years later, he inked his face with the distinctive spots.

Larry recalled that when his parents first caught sight of the spots on his body, they wept.

For the next decade, Larry had little contact with his family, feeling hurt that they had failed to embrace his brand of self-expression and shunned him for desecrating his body.

‘It took them ten years to come round but now we’ve got a better relationship,’ he said. ‘They can see I’m doing alright for myself.’

As for the rest of the world’s reaction to his spots, tattoo artist Larry da leopard was barred from entering diners and even accused of being the devil.

Please share what you would like to say about Larry Da Leopard in the comments below by leaving a kind word for friends, family and loved ones.

See sympathy gifts HERE.

READ MORE – Larry Da Leopard death, obituary: Lance Brieschke death

17 thoughts on “Larry Da Leopard cause of death: What killed Larry Da Leopard Brieschke?”

  1. Wow he seemed like such a unique and real person ! I’m Very sorry for your loss❤. Send you lots og warm thoughts ..Not Many people dare to be themselves , but when you do it grands you such serenity 🙏🏻❤.

  2. Larry looked like an outgoing bubbly soul. Very sorry for your loss at this time. No matter how many years go by it never gets easier.

    Alison. X

  3. I’m so sorry for your loss, when I heard about Larry i was so inspired and motivated to be myself, i even ended up getting a tattoo against my parents will because i’m an adult now and i can express myself however i want. I hope you all are doing well and you will be in my thoughts and prayers

  4. He was called the devil for simly wanting to express himself? We can only imagine who would say something like that, you religious kooks 🙂

  5. I didn’t hear about Larry until his passing, but I admire his zest for life. He really put himself out there at any costs and it made him happy. That’s something we should all aspire to. Rest in power, Larry.

  6. Larry was a friend of mine back in 2005. Back in the roller derby days when I was in the band” bottemfeeders” the best time of my life. He gave me an anarchy tat for free. It mean more to me now than it did then. Not only do all dogs go to heaven, bad ass cats do too! My heart hearts, rip friend. Glad to have met you. Happy trails my friend

  7. I think that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion. I hope while he was alive he had the relationship he wanted with family and child. I hope he does happy! Much love and respect!!

  8. I saw a story on Snapchat recently about Larry Da Leopard and i thought that he was a really cool, nice, caring dude. At the end it said, “in memory of Larry Da Leopard” and i was shocked. I looked up what happened to him and it brought me here. It’s heartbreaking to see such nice people go, even if they were strange. By what ive seen he was a real good person and may he Rest In Peace. ❤️❤️

  9. I’ve been away for a while and just caught wind of Larry’s passing. So sad. May you RIP forever brother. You were a ball of happiness and you lived and loved life to the fullest. RIP

  10. Sorry to hear the news, I pray his death wasn’t from foul play. I only wanted to say,”would give anything to have had the stamina to live as he. Not many people in this world truly have the balls to be unique. Think about it, the guy lost the support of his family for his cause, that’s dedication- that’s BALLS. I pray his son Zoom,(?) appreciates the true strength his dad had inside his soul. MUCH CONDOLENCES TO HIS LOVED ONES.✌️💕✌️

  11. He was my best friend that i have known for almost 20 years and I truly love him and hi I. I am a walking memory of his art and he loved his children, he had three. I missed my train the night before he went into the coma and hate myself for it, I for some reason kept him straighter and more on point in life than anyone he told me over the years. We loved each other and where supposed to get married when I was 40 no matter how many divorces I had racked up. I cannot move past this and dont know if I can it’s been almost 2 years. I cannot live in Austin anymore, although I being born and raised Austinight, everywhere I look I see him. I cannot live in my airstream anymore because we lived in it with flower and guerilla. He was the kindest man I have ever known and I truly miss my friend. He did so much cool shit it’s unreal. He hitchhiked across mexico twice also venturing past the yucatan, did the circu thing briefly and ripleys believe it or not, had not only tattoos but body mods even in his junk. The only words on his body where ” welcome to the jungle,” and he was not estranged from his family; everyone but his two sisters and mom who just moved from san fran all still lived in Marion county including his pops. He was not from Austin but from the bay area was Laurience the second”Junior”, and didnt have a drivers license till he was in his 30’s. I hope he will find peace one day and she does not want to let go of this world he misses simone and rocky to much.


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