Jaime Osuna: How Yvette Pena death happened at El Morocco Motel

Jaime Osuna murdered Yvette Pena at El Morocco Motel in November 2011.

Jaime Osuna murdered Yvette Pena lailasnews

Yvette Pena’s body was found Nov. 13, 2011 by an employee at the motel and Osuna was arrested by police several days later.

In March 2017, Jaime Osuna escaped the death penalty for the torture and murder of the Bakersfield mother of six – he admitted guilt and accepted a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

Osuna was facing the death penalty but reached a plea deal with prosecutors.

Yvette Pena death:

Jaime Osuna murdered Yvette Pena, a 37 year old Bakersfield mother of six, at El Morocco Motel.

When prosecutors found Yvette’s body, they said she had suffered “truly horrific” injuries. Investigators said she had been gagged and she was found with “stabbing instruments” protruding from her back.

Coroner’s officials ruled Pena died of blunt force injuries, sharp-force injuries and asphyxia.

Pena was a mother of six, as at 2017, the children’s ages ranged between 6 to 25 years old.

How Jaime Osuna was arrested for Yvette Pena death:

Osuna’s wife, Joelle Castellano, tipped police to the crime days before Pena’s body was found.

According to Joelle, her estranged husband called her Nov. 8, warning her to watch the news for reports of an incident at a place called the “Morocco Motel.”

Castellano says Osuna told her that a woman had been stabbed at the motel. Scared, Castellano contacted police to tell them Osuna had threatened her and asked if they’d heard of a crime taking place at a motel.

Castellano says police took a report from her regarding terrorist threats from Osuna but didn’t investigate her tip about a murder at a motel.

Several days after Castellano called police, an employee of the El Morocco Motel on Golden State Avenue went into Room 19 and found Pena’s body.

Police went back and interviewed Castellano and asked her what she knew. Satisfied they had enough evidence from the wife’s claims, police arrested Osuna.

In 2017, Osuna pleaded guilty to five felony charges which included murder, attempted murder, making threats, assault with a deadly weapon, and trying to dissuade a witness.

The prosecutor said after he was arrested, Osuna had tried to prevent his former wife from testifying.

During his sentencing hearing, Osuna waved at Pena’s relatives and gave a thumbs-up upon being sentenced to life in prison.

Today, convicted killer Jaime Osuna has been accused of beheading his cellmate, Luis Romero in what authorities call an exceptionally sadistic torture slaying at a California prison.

According to Phil Esbenshade, Kings County Assistant District Attorney, one of the victim’s fingers was severed, a body part was cut out, his eye was removed and his head was decapitated.

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