Walter Pearson death, obituary: Walter Pearson Breath of Life dies

Walter Pearson cause of death – dead, obituary, funeral plans: Pastor Walter Pearson Breath of Life died June 7, 2020.

Walter Pearson death, obituary: Walter Pearson Breath of Life dies

Walter Pearson death was announced by Breath of Life TV in a statement that read:

We regret to announce the passing of Pastor Walter Pearson, second Breath of Life Speaker/Director.

Funeral Service information will be announced. Please remember the Pearson Family in your prayers.

Please say a prayer for the grieving family and friends as you read the tributes below confirming Walter Pearson death.

🙏🏽Tribute to one of the most powerful preachers I heard. Walter Pearson. Sad for his passing away!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

The preaching of Walter Pearson revealed to me that a sermon can be interesting, creative, colorful, beautiful,and awe-inspiring.

Pearson was a trailblazer in the evolution of Adventist preaching style and tradition.

Here’s my favorite Pearson sermon: “Empty Houses”

Rest well, great preacher.

Walter Pearson cause of death, obituary, funeral arrangement, any Gofundme page?

Walter Pearson obituary is not available at this time. We will share updates when confirmed and released and as we learn more.

May Walter Pearson soul rest in perfect peace.

Our deepest condolences and sympathy during this difficult time.

Please share what you would like to say about Walter Pearson in the comments below by leaving a kind word for friends, family and loved ones.

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26 thoughts on “Walter Pearson death, obituary: Walter Pearson Breath of Life dies”

  1. I am shocked to hear of Elder Pearson passing. Elder Pearson sermons were uplifting, informative,and made my daily walk with Christ sweeter and sweeter.l will lift sis Pearson and family up in prayer.

  2. May Pastor Pearson soul rest in peace. He was my favourite international speaker. I will miss him much. May God continue to bless and comfort his family.
    Rest in peace pastor

  3. Power packed filled with the Holy Ghost. No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
    And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. Isaiah 54:17

  4. May God comfort the Pearson family. Let’s look to that glorious morning when our Lord will appear, when death as the last enemy will be destroyed

  5. Pastor Pearson dynamic and awesome minister. Remember the good times at Oakwood , prayers and condolences to the family, rest in peace🙏🏾

  6. Fare thee well Pastor, what a powerful preacher, one of my favorite preachers of all time. God used him mightly. Go rest champion of faith. See you on resurrection morning.

  7. Praying for the Pearson’s family at this very difficult time. May God comfort you as only He can. He will be sorely missed.

  8. My condolences to the Pearson family. Pastor Pearson was one of my most favorite God’s mouth pieces. So until then, lets keep the faith. Until that resurrection morning, lets keep on keeping on as we look forward to Christs glorious appearing when all his children will be united again. OH WHAT A DAY, GLORIOUS DAY THAT WILL BE.

  9. A dynamic and inspirational preacher that he was, I pray for the Pearson family during this difficult time. Rest in perfect peace man of God.

  10. I believe I was 12 years old when Elder Pearson moved to Atlanta and became our head pastor. It was the first time I can remember sitting still and listening to an entire sermon. No more running in and out of church with friends–that all ended. He commanded the attention of youth and it became “fashionable” to listen (as a teen) and discuss the sermon later. His ministry was pure artistry!

    I have so many memories because he spent time with the youth at events and retreats. My favorite memory is one year, I was voted to be on the nominating committee at church-I was maybe 14. When I showed up for the meetings he sat with me and provided instruction on the process and a bit of comic relief during the lengthy meeting.

    We will miss him but thankfully he left a legacy behind of great memories, recorded sermons and family. Surely he fulfilled his purpose in this life of leadership and excellence!

  11. Dennis the greatest preacher story teller his preaching and teaching would make think you was walking there with Jesus and disciples in biblical time. Bless with gift to keep you spell bound!!!

  12. I and my husband join the rest of the world in grieving Walter pearson, a life well lived….no doubt his sermons speak like the blood of Abel a testimony to a life of faith…..may God help us use an example that great to make our lives worthwhile. Liz East Africa

  13. May our Almighty God in heaven console the family of God’s servant Evangelist Walter Pearson. May He give the family comfort and strength needed to overcome the LOSS of a Loved one. More importantly we look forward to seeing each other again on the resurrection Morning.

    From Kenya.

  14. I loved Pastor Walter Pearson. He came to Cape Town, South Africa when I was around 12 years old, that’s in approx 1997. I remember taking a stand for God one night. My heart was convicted by all that Pastor Pearson had preached and he made a call. I wanted to stand, but took a while. Paster Pearson kept saying there is one more person and he pointed in my direction. Ever since that night, I considered Pastor Pearson as my grandpa. He always made me laugh in his sermons, and he preached the truth in love. I’m so sad to hear of His passing. But, I look forward to meeting him face to face in Heaven. May God be with you all during this sad time. May He surround you with love and strength. Until that glorious day. Lots of love Janine
    Rest in Peace grandpa.

  15. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Pastor Walter Pearson. I heard him preach, in person, for the first time in the summer of 1991 while visiting a church in Columbus, Ohio. I have never forgotten the title, ” On Eagle’s Wings”, and the impact it had on me. Over the years, I could not read Ex.19:4 without thinking of Pastor Pearson & that sermon. He was an anointed preacher! Some years ago, while he was preaching in Bermuda we were privileged to have him at our home for dinner one evening. My husband, Cranston Sr., & I send our deepest condolences to Sis Pearson & the entire Pearson family. Know that we are praying for you. May God be your comfort & strength at this time.

  16. I am so saddened by the passing of Dr Pierson. Since the pandemic, we listen to many of his sermons on sabbaths!
    My husband listens when he feels down or stressed.
    We will really miss his service.
    Rest In Peace until then.

  17. With shock ,disbelief even regrets I mourn one of my best online SDA Preachers .I have lived with memories of his visit to Kenya in the late 1990s .Indeed it s a blow ,its a loss but in a little while we shall meet again .I join the family in their grief

  18. Walter made me have Christian joy Thur his messages. Listen to his message on A Rare Quality Of Mercy. Good night till the morning.

  19. This is a loss I truly feel. Pastor Pearson has been my company consistently, even on Sabbaths. I just finished watching several of his sermons as is my custom, and decided to see if there was any information about his final rights. In between assignments and work, his incredible imagery and thundering voice have inspired and challenged me with clarity and conviction about spiritual things. I laugh at his jokes as if I am there with him and he is talking directly with me. I love Jesus more because of his preaching and what I believe was a life that was consistent with his gifted style. I wish I had the joy of meeting him, but by God’s grace I will look for him and C D Brooks in the New Jerusalem. My love and strength especially to his family who mourn this incalculable loss.

  20. I would like to send my Sympathy to the Pearson Family.
    I came across Pr.Walter Pearson’s Sermon’s on U tube in Australia and Loved listening to his Sermon’s with such Exspresion and great message. I’m so sad to hear of such a great Speaker gone, but I’m sure he will be in Heaven when Jesus comes and hope I will get to meet him there. I hope he didn’t suffer. My deepest sympathy.. Regards Bronwyn.x

  21. Condolences to the Pearson family,may God grant you peace in this time of grief.
    I first heard Pastor Pearson,preached when he was speaker at Breath of Life.I looked forward to his messages every week on 3abn in Belize.Truly a man of God.Rest on peace ,well done, true and faithful servant.

  22. Our condolences to the family of what we believe to be “The Greatest Preacher of Our Lifetime”! Dr. Pearson will be greatly missed. We thank Our Father in Heaven for giving this great servant the talent to spread the “Word” of God in a captivating way all can understand and enjoy. Rest in Peace.

  23. I just came across this sad news of Pastor Dr. Pearson passing away. I used to listen to his preaching during the 10 years I served in Baghdad Iraq, every sabbath . Hopefully, we have the wonderful hope that Jesus will resurrect those faithful to HIm. I only met Pastor Dr Pearson on youtube, and I believe and I will see him at the Sea of Glass. May God of Peace put HIs Peace and the Faith in the family’s heart that we will meet HIm soon, very soon. Maranatha.

    “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17, ESV).


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