Tom Nichols brother death: Jim Nichols death – what happened?

Tom Nichols brother cause of death – dead, obituary, funeral plans: Tom Nichols brother, Jim died April 5, 2020 at the Soldier’s Home during the COVID crisis.

Jim passed away peacefully, not from COVID.

Tom Nichols brother death: Jim Nichols death, obituary - what happened?

This was contained in the tweet Tom shared to announce his brother’s death. The tweet read:

Thank you all for your kind thoughts about my brother Jim over the past few days during the COVID crisis at the Soldier’s Home. Just told he passed away today. (Peacefully, not from COVID.)

Our hearts break for the grieving family, friends and loved ones and we urge that their privacy please be respected.

Please say a prayer as you read the tributes below confirming Jim Nichols death.

I’m so sorry to hear about your brother, Tom.

Inna illahee wa inna illayhee raji’un (To God we belong and to Him is our return). Hope you and your family can find some solace during this difficult time.

May God bless you Tom I just heard it on Good Morning Joe my heart is with you I know what that pain feels like I’m praying for you stay safe and God bless

My heartfelt condolences, Tom.
I am very sorry for the passing of your brother. Since I live quite far away I’m sending you lighted candles that show the way to wherever Jim has travelled – as all of us will one day -, forever in the hearts of those who will love him forever.

Tom, my condolences to you. I lost my only brother on 3/1, after losing a battle with liver cancer. This is a deep cut. So prayers to you and your family.

Tom Nichols brother death: Jim Nichols death, obituary

Details about how Tom Nichols brother Jim death happened are not public at this time.

May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Our deepest condolences and sympathy during this difficult time.

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