Jamie Lee Pillay death: Jamie Lee Pillay dies – what happened?

Jamie Lee Pillay cause of death – dead, obituary, funeral plans: Beloved Jamie Lee Pillay died June 20, 2020.

Jamie Lee Pillay death, obituary: Jamie Lee Pillay dies

Our hearts break for the grieving family, friends and loved ones and we urge that their privacy please be respected.

Please say a prayer as you read the tributes below. They were shared publicly on social media and sadly confirm Jamie Lee Pillay death and how sorely will be missed.

In times like these, when words are few and memories and emotions are immersed in heartache and disbelief. Today my sister Jamie Lee Pillay, exchanged her mortality body of a immortal one.

Thank you for your soul you shared, I shall for ever be grateful for your efforts you diligently and at times sacrificially made to make life better and bearable for the fortunate and the not so fortunate.

Not know knowing last week I said bye….
I hope to see you one day…
I’ma miss you Missss YOU JAY…

I’ma miss you Missss YOU JAY…
I’ma miss you Missss YOU JAY…

Dit is ‘n baie hartseer dag vir die span van Radio Tygerberg 104FM. Dit is met swaar, seer harte dat ons hierdie nuus deel met ons 104FM Familie en Vriende. RIP Jamie-Lee Pillay.

This is a very sad day for the team of Radio Tygerberg 104FM. It is with heavy, sore hearts that we share this news with our 104 FM Family and Friends. RIP Jamie-Lee Pillay.

Jamie Lee Pillay cause of death, obituary, funeral arrangement, any Gofundme page?

Jamie Lee Pillay obituary is not available at this time. We will share updates when confirmed and released and as we learn more. Full details about how Jamie Lee Pillay death happened are not public at this time.

May soul rest in perfect peace.

Our deepest condolences and sympathy during this difficult time.

Please share what you would like to say about Jamie Lee Pillay in the comments below by leaving a kind word for friends, family and loved ones.

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2 thoughts on “Jamie Lee Pillay death: Jamie Lee Pillay dies – what happened?”

  1. Jamie-lee, thank you for affording me your friendship and sharing your life’s story. You have been an amazing friend, an outstanding and selfless mother, a dedicated worker and you never complained nor shed any negativity on any situation. You were such an inspiration for throwing yourself wholeheartedly into everything you did. You had an unbelievably rare creative and design talent when it came to your crocheted works.
    We spoke just 2 days ago and you jokingly said that I could so be your boss because I reckoned you should take the rest of the day off for ploughing in all the extra efforts during the past few weeks. I laughed because I wish I could at least have a job right now… You brightened up my day and made me feel blessed to have a friend like you who is so committed to your work and especially to your family.
    I’m completely gutted, confused, heartbroken and am going to miss our almost daily check-ins and your positive and encouraging support. Our friendship will be cherished forever. Rest In Peace, my beautiful friend.

  2. Ek sou nog more opneem het gebel om uit te skuif toe hoor ek die nuus. Ek het seker vir 3 jaar weekliks oorkant jou gesit jou lewe gedeel. Jy was spesiaal en so opgewonde oor jou kleinding wat moes baie oorkom.Elke keer so opgewonde oor sy vordering! Ons bid vir die gesin wat agterbly maar woorde is min die skok is groot. Nogtans bid ons vir vertroosting en versterking deur die Heilige Gees.


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