Married man cries out after sleeping with sister-in-law who is trying to blackmail him
Embattled man trapped under his roof with his sister-in-law who blackmails him at the slightest opportunity after sleeping together.
The young man who narrated his story anonymously through a relationship adviser emphasized a particular feature that he loves most in his wife.
To his surprise, his wife’s sister specifically offered the same while spending a holiday with them, which marked the beginning of his blackmail doom.
Read the full narration below …
“I’m a married man with a kid. I love my wife and we are compatible when it comes to s-x. I’m a fan of big cli–ris. I like giving my wife head because of her big cl-t and I enjoy it a lot.
My wife is 24years and I’m 32years. My wife’s immediate elder sister is still single. She came to spend time with us cos she’s on one month leave. I was in my office when she entered, locked the door and the next thing she told me was that she has big cl-**** Bigger than my wife’s own.
She asked me if I care to see. Out of curiosity, I agreed, the next thing, I found myself playing with it. Her cl-ttt-ris is truly big and I love it.
When I entered her from back, her v jay was warm and tight. She was just shouting, “fccck me the way you fccck my sister”. Sister, I’m confused her, could it be that my wife is telling her sister about our lovemaking. How did she know I love big cliLris? And why was she telling me to fccck her d way fccck my wife.
Now, my sister in law is blackmailing me. Any slightest opportunity, she will go for my dccck and ask me to fccck her. If I refused, she will threaten to tell her sister.
I want to stop. I’m so ashamed of my self. My wife should not hear about this cos I know she can’t condone cheating. How do I free myself from this mess. Please post anonymous.”