Laura Ikeji shares encounter with Abuja airport hawker who rejeted $100 and ran away
Businesswoman and entrepreneur, Laura Ikeji, on Saturday shared an interesting experience that she had recently with a hawker and her three children at the Abuja airport.

Laura shared the narrative on her Instagram account.
She alleged that the yet-to-be-identified woman was selling something in a nylon bag outside the airport with three children looking exhausted.
Touched by her plight, she offered to give them one hundred dollars.
Immediately the mother caught sight of the foreign currency, she started praying silently, packed her things and took to heels.
According to Laura Ikeji, the woman probably thought she wanted to use her for money ritual.
She said: “So outside the airport in Abuja, I saw a woman with 3 little kids, she was selling something in a nylon bag. The kids looked exhausted so I offered her a $100, the moment she saw the money she started praying silently then ran away from me. She thought I wanted to use her for money rituals I guess. She ran ehn.”