Mario Flores el Perico murio: Mario Flores death – what happened?

Mario Flores el Perico Murio: Mario Flores death the Parakeet was announced December 1, 2019 by Alex “El Genio” Lucas in a statement that read:

Mario Flores el Perico murio: Mario Flores death

Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de nuestro amigo, compañero y gran ser humano, Mario Flores “El Perico”. Acompañamos a su familia en el sentimiento y honramos su memoria y contribución al programa de Alex El Genio Lucas.

Todavía conmocionados por la triste noticia que recibimos desde Lake Elsinore, CA, nos nace desde lo mas profundo expresar todo nuestro cariño y aprecio a Mario en su partida. Quienes compartimos con el en mi programa, fuimos afortunados. Fue franco y directo, daba seguridad, despertaba ternura y reforzaba un carácter entrañable.

Fue modesto y nunca persiguió la figuración, así como tampoco le gustaba la adulación. Le interesaba ser protagonista en aquello que amaba: su familia y sus ideales. Lo extrañaremos mucho. Un abrazo grande y lleno de gratitud a la familia de Mario Flores “El Perico”, en la hora de su despedida terrenal. Mañana en mi programa, lo seguiremos recordando.

Aquí la foto de nuestra última presentación juntos el pasado 9 de noviembre en Thousand Palms, CA.

Coincidencias de la vida… mañana Don Pitoloco cumple 3 años de su partida, y en vispiras de su aniversario luctuoso, parte Mario Flores. Seguramente, hay programa radial en el cielo.

Hasta siempre Mario…

With deep sadness we announce the death of our friend, companion and great human being, Mario Flores El Perico.

We accompany your family in feeling and honor their memory and contribution to the program of Alex The Genius Lucas.

Still shocked by the sad news we received from Lake Elsinore, CA, we are born from the deepest to express all our love and I appreciate Mario in his departure. Who we shared with him in my program, we were lucky.

He was frank and direct, gave security, aroused tenderness and reinforced an endearing character. He was modest and never pursued figuration, nor did he like flattery. He was interested in being a protagonist in what he loved: his family and his ideals. We will miss him a lot.

A big hug full of gratitude to the family of Mario Flores “El Perico”, at the time of his earthly farewell. Tomorrow in my program, we will keep remembering it.

Here is the photo of our last presentation together on November 9 in Thousand Palms, CA.
Coincidences of life … tomorrow Pitoloco turns 3 years old from his departure, and on the eve of his happy anniversary, Mario Flores leaves. Surely, there is radio program in the sky.
Goodbye Mario …

Mario Flores el Perico murio: Mario Flores death

Before broadcaster Mario Flores El Perico death, he was working on the syndicated radio of ‘The Show of Genius Lucas’.

He was passionate about radio from an early age, since he was 15 years old and became involved in the radio station of his school.

It was in the 80’s when Mario began to emerge in the AM / FM and television industry.

He currently had more than 30 years of professional experience and was known for his sarcastic humor and unexpected comments , thus highlighting observations about politicians, singers, actors, television programs, etc.

During the last decade, the audience has pointed to ‘El Perico’ as the fierce lawyer of freedom of expression for his controversial statements.

Undoubtedly, Mario Flores El Perico death represents a great loss for the Hispanic radio industry in the United States.

May his soul rest in perfect peace.

2 thoughts on “Mario Flores el Perico murio: Mario Flores death – what happened?”

  1. Que paso con nuestro amigo el perico? De que fallecio! Apenas me entere hoy que avia fallecido y me molesto mucho. Que triste. Me gustaba mucho escucharlo con sus comentarios contreversos que pegaban hasta el fondo de la verdad. Que lastima. Por favor dijan que paso? Estaba enfermo? De que sufria? Que ironia, el mostraba con sus envistigaciones las escuridades del gobierno y otros lados pero no se dejaba saber casi nada el el. Bueno, que en Dios descanse.


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