Woman in tears, claims to be ‘shocked’ after realizing her husband isn’t her son’s father

A woman claims to be “shocked and confused” after realizing that her husband is not the father of 4-year-old son.

According to her, a DNA test conducted by her husband has exposed her son was being fathered by another man.

She confessed to having cheated on her husband, but recalled using a condom, so she cannot fathom how the child ended up becoming his illicit lover’s child.

She wrote to a relationship advisor, seeking advice on what to do because the illicit lover has also refused to take responsibility for the child.

“Hello Auntie Momoza, could you please hide me🙏. I have a child and have been co-paranting with his father. Recently his father did a DNA test and found out he is not the father.

“I was so shocked and confused… right now I don’t know what to do. It’s been 4 years the child is used to him and his family.

“I did cheat on him with someone but we used a condom, that’s why I didn’t think the other guy would be the father. I called the other guy to tell him the news he didn’t want to hear anything and said I should leave him alone. I want him to do a DNA test also but I don’t know how can I pursue him into doing it,” her letter reads.

She has expressed regret for her adultery and the consequence that has befallen her.

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