Will Fisher cause of death: Cameron Underwood face transplant donor
Will Fisher cause of death: How did Cameron Underwood face transplant donor die?

23-year-old Will Fisher, a chess champion, died after a lengthy battle with mental illness. He was also an aspiring New York filmmaker and writer,
He donated all his organs and tissues, including his face after his death. He and his mum, Sally Fisher were honored at the 2019 myFACE Gala and thanked for their selfless act.
Sally Fisher was given the myFace Courage Award for choosing to give in the most painful moment of her life, when she felt she had lost everything.
Will Fisher cause of death:
Will Fisher died in 2018. When he was about to be declared brain dead, doctors at NYU Langone Health asked his mother Sally, if she would agree to donate her son’s facial structure for transplant.
Meanwhile, in California back in 2016, Cameron Underwood had suffered a gunshot wound to his face. Underwood had placed the shotgun under his chin and fired, in an attempt to take his own life. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital.
Cameron Underwood underwent eight surgeries to restore the bare minimum function to his face. Doctors used skin from his thigh and tissue from his shoulder. His nose was lost in the blast and he only had a tiny hole to breathe through.
He survived but his face was severely disfigured.
Cameron’s mother Beverly Bailey-Potter recounts:
“I cried every day and every day I prayed for a miracle. Every single day I prayed for a miracle.
“What kind of quality of life would he have? If he didn’t want to live with all that he had going for him, then why would he want to continue on now?”
“We were told early on that his only hope to be normal again was a face transplant.’
And Will Fisher and his mum, Sally Fisher turned up to be her miracle.
Sally Fisher said:
“For me it was, can my son save another life.”
The 25-hour long face transplant surgery was performed by Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, a plastic surgeon at NYU Langone in January, 2018.
The operation took place just 18 months after Cameron’s suicide attempt – which the centre says is the shortest period of time between injury and surgery in US history.
More than 100 medical staff performed a 25-hour surgery on Cameron at the NYU Langone Health centre in Manhattan, New York.
A grateful Cameron said after his surgery and recovery:
I have a nose, and a mouth so I’m able to smile, to speak and eat solid foods again.
I want Sally and her family to know how much my family and I appreciate their gift and I’ll always honour Will’s legacy
Sally Fisher, the mum of donor Will, said she may not have “survived” losing her son if it wasn’t for Cameron
“My son’s death was a tragedy.
I am thankful that, in honouring his decision, we were able to give life to others, and especially that Will and Dr Rodriguez have given Cameron and his family a chance to recapture their dreams.
“Being a part of this experience has been a source of strength for me during a very difficult time.
“I don’t think I would have survived Will’s death if not for Cameron. Cameron has his whole life ahead of him – and I love the idea that Willie is helping him have a better life.”
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Wow that young man looks incredible ,those surgeons are beyond amazing !
This fills be full of joy that a young man can rebuild his life with the selfless giving from the family who themselves have just lost their much loved son..Both of these young men obviously greatly struggled internally with their mental health as both attempted to end their own lives..I did the same aged 32 in 1999 but somehow lived to tell the tale..I’ m from the UK and have a serious autoimmune disease. & therefore haven’t been able to donate blood since I was diagnosed ( AS & Lupus) so I want whatever parts that can be used after my death to be used..might even see if I could leave my spine so ankylosing spondylitis in women can be studied further..Glad to see at long last UK folk have to ‘ opt out ‘ of organ donation rather than ‘ opt in’ ..many more lives will be saved now..!Please carry your donor ca rd to help others.it could be you that needs help !