It has been seven years since Mr. Udom Emmanuel assumed leadership of Akwa Ibom State, as Governor.
Within this period, he has brought his vast wealth of private sector experience to bear on the management of the resources of Akwa Ibom state.

With the Five-Point Agenda of his first term and the Completion Agenda of his second term as blueprint, his pragmatic leadership approach and attendant enviable results have evoked admiration from a wide spectrum of stakeholders, analysts and observers.
Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Information and Strategy, brings to you a brief of some of the milestones that have stood Governor Udom Emmanuel in good stead with unbiased observers, analysts and stakeholders in the Akwa Ibom, nay Nigerian project. Irrespective of their ethnic, religious or political affiliation, they are united in their conclusion that Mr. Emmanuel possesses the poise, acumen and reach to help Nigeria overcome the socio-economic and political challenges facing her.
**Syringe Manufacturing Factory (Largest in Africa), Onna
**Electric Digital Metering Solutions Manufacturing Factory, Onna
**Pencil Factory, Itu
**Toothpick Factory, Itu
**Plastic Factory, Itu
**Resuscitation of Ibom Paints Limited (former
**Fertilizer Blending Factory, Abak
**Oil Palm Depot, Ibesikpo Asutan
**Ufaini Palm Kernel Crushing Plant, Ukanafun
**Flour Mill, Onna
**Rice Mill, Ini
**Cassava Processing Mill, IkotEkang, Abak

Construction of Taxiway at Victor AEah International Airport
Full upgrade of Aifiield Lighting System at Victor AEah International Airport
Construction of Commercial building at Victor AEah International Airport
Incorporation of Ibom Airline and acquisition of 5 CRJ Bombardier Jets and 2 Airbus A220-300 Series aircraft for operations. .
Remodelling of Depafiure Hall of Victor AEah International Airport
Construction of the Main Terminal Building of Victor AEah International Airport (Ongoing)
Construction of private hangar for State aircraft
Construction of VIP Terminal Road, Cars/Apron and drain at the Victor AEah International Airport
Signing of MoU for the acquisition of 10 additional airbus for Ibom Air
Security perimeter fencing at Victor AEah International Airport

Setting up of Technical Committee o n A g r i c u l t u r e a n d F o o d Sufficiency
Massive cultivation of Coconut across the State
Massive cultivation of Cocoa in Ini, Obot Akara and Essien Udim LGAs
Re gistration of 2,318 farmer cooperatives and groups, made up of 49,318 farmers, for the Rice Anchor Borrower Scheme
450 youths trained on cocoa maintenance
Massive Rice cultivation in Ini and IbionoIbom LGAs
Construction of 10No. Vegetable Green Houses
Cultivation of Onions at Ebighi Anwa in Okobo LGA and at the Vegetable Green House
Establishment of hybrid rubber nursery at Ebighi Anwa in Okobo LGA, in pafinership with Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria
Raising of over 20,000 Oil Palm Seedlings in nurseries for farmers.
Massive cultivation of cassava in 15 LGAs (FADAMA)
Training of 3000 youths on Oil and Gas
Training and certification of over 500 young entrepreneurs in business communication and related areas, through My E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p G o a l Programme (MEGP)
Training of 2050 Akwa Ibom
youths in Web Development and Visual designing.
Training of 200 Akwa Ibom
youths in Oracle, and another 200 on Micro Works to enable them source for jobs online.
Training of 2,234 basic school
administrators on Covid-19 prevention protocols.
Training of 850 Teachers and 150
Head teachers (1000 teaching staff) on Jolly Phonics
Conversion of former Technical
College Ikot Ada Idem to a state-of-the-aRT Entrepreneurial and Skill acquisition Centre.

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